The Most Expensive Repairs Homeowners Face When Selling Their Homes in Belleville and How You Can Avoid Them

Selling Their Homes in Belleville

The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” holds true, especially when it comes to preventing expensive repairs for your home. This becomes especially important when you plan to sell your home. Imagine yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer who walks through your house. Unless your home is new, you may find that you need to spend more money on the property to make it marketable. These expenses can range from minor touch-ups to major structural repairs, which can be costly, especially for older homes. Below are some of the costliest repairs that homeowners face when selling their homes in Belleville, along with tips on how to avoid them.


Water and foundations are a problematic mix. Foundation problems can be one of the most expensive repairs that homeowners in Belleville face when selling their homes. Look out for water pooling around the foundation or on the outer edges, cracks on the floor, and squeaky doors or windows that are difficult to open due to the foundation sinking. To avoid these issues, it is important to make sure that the soil around your home slopes away from the foundation. Additionally, take steps to prevent the soil from drying out during dry periods without rain, as this can also lead to serious foundation problems. Checking the foundation during rainy periods is also essential to ensure that it has good drainage.


When selling a home in Belleville, homeowners often face unexpected and expensive roof repairs. Water damage caused by a compromised roof can quickly escalate, leading to weakened home integrity and hazardous mold growth. Mold remediation is a complex and costly process best handled by professionals. To avoid serious water damage, it’s crucial to act quickly. By conducting regular inspections on their roofs for worn shingles or weak spots and having a professional check every 3 to 5 years, homeowners can prevent these issues. By staying vigilant, potential roof problems can be caught early on, and costly repairs can be avoided.


Homeowners may face expensive repairs when selling their homes in Belleville, especially if there are plumbing leaks. Depending on the type of material used during construction and its installation, plumbing problems can escalate quickly and result in costly repairs. It is essential to check for Polybutylene piping (PB) which was used between 1978 to 1995, leading to a class-action lawsuit that ended in 2007. The only resolution is replacement, which can run into thousands of dollars. Acting quickly can help prevent most plumbing issues from becoming more serious. In case you observe a sudden rise in your water bill, it is essential to inspect for leaks that might be present behind the walls, beneath the flooring, or even underground. You should also keep an eye out for any indications of a leak at the base of your water tank.

Heating and Cooling System

The heating and cooling system in your home can become a major expense for homeowners when selling their homes in Belleville, especially when neglect is the root cause. Repair or replacement costs can quickly add up, so it’s crucial to stay on top of routine maintenance. It’s recommended to have your air conditioning unit checked and cleaned annually, which can also help prevent damage from condensation leaks.

Looking to sell your house fast in Belleville without the hassle of dealing with costly repairs? Look no further than Cardinal Creek Properties, your trusted home buyer in Belleville. Avoid the stress and expenses of repairs by selling your property directly to us. As experienced home buyers, we buy houses in Belleville in any condition, saving you time and money. Contact us today by sending a message or calling (314) 467-8137 and get a fair cash offer for your home within 24 hours!

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